All of my artwork is created using acrylic paints.???Typically,?I mix the paint with a pouring medium (e.g., Floetrol, Elmers Glue, water, etc.) to promote a free-flowing movement over the painting surface. ? Although I can control the movement of the paint, mostly the paint is in control. I have become more experienced with a variety of??techniques associated with this method, but I still find the best results come from relinquishing control--perhaps an apt metaphor for a happy life. ? Recently, I have become interested in the ancient art of creating Mandalas.??Originating in the Southeast Asian religions of Hinduism and Buddhism, the?mandala?is recognized by patterns of geometric, concentric circles. This?technique requires more precision than acrylic pour painting and serves as a welcome complement to its free-flowing technique. Francine Tompkins
Francine Tompkins